After 32 years of editing the Ramsden Bellhouse Village Magazine, regretfully I am retiring.
Apart from my age, which obviously has its limitations, the advertising which finances the magazine has become increasingly difficult to almost impossible. Businesses have changed to ‘online’ advertising, and some have gone out of business through the Covid pandemic.
Added to this, my Delivery Helpers have also grown old, and some are no longer available. Covid has halted the social activities to a great extent, so there is little to report.
I have thoroughly enjoyed all the hard work and time I spent on our magazine but, at 95 years old, I think it needs new blood, new ideas and more strength and brain than I have left!
Many thanks to all the people who have helped me through my 32 years, with especial mention to two people. Roy Richards, who latterly has helped in many ways, with the advertisers and deliveries, and Bryan Diggory, who taught me all I know about editing and magazine work and has guided and inspired me for 32 years.

Collating the Village Magazine August 1990. Bramhill, Orchard Avenue
Derek Jackson, Pam Jackson, Bert Edwards, Tom Ealham Helen Silvester, Joan Wright, Sylvia Ealham