Ramsden Bellhouse Village Hall AGM
Sunday, 4th February 2024
The AGM took place on Sunday 4th February 2024. The Chairman, Jamie Ward, opened the meeting by welcoming everyone.
The following is a resumé of the items discussed.
Chairman's Report
The Chairman gave his report, commenting on his second year in office. One of the main projects in the coming year will be to improve the hall bookings arrangement, using an online booking system, as well as ongoing repairs and refurbishments to the hall.
Treasurer's Report
It was reported that The Treasurer, Derek Swan, is standing down from the role. A brief report was given on the Village Hall accounts.
Secretary's Report
The Secretary, Carol Wraight, gave her report on her first year in the role.
Bookings Secretary's Report
Carol Wraight read out a report on behalf of Audrey Pegrum, giving the number of bookings for the hall in the past year.
The Chairman thanked Audrey for managing the bookings so well.
Village Hall supported charities

The Chairman presented a cheque for £1,744.12 awarded to last year’s charity, BILLERICAY FOOD BANK.

Gail Carpenter thanked all who have contributed to the Food Bank and said the money is very welcome to help keep the flow of food continuing.
This was then voted by a show of hands and unanimously agreed.
Election of Officers
Tony Rogers and Derek Swan are standing down as Committee Members.
The rest of the Committee agreed to continue for the coming year. The Chairman listed them all to confirm this.
There were no votes against this committee, and they were all elected unanimously.
Click 2024 Committee to see a full list of the Management Committee.
History of Ramsden Exhibition 2024
Steve Tuff gave a brief preview of the plans for this year’s exhibition, which takes place over the weekend of 13th and 14th April. The big feature for this year is the decennial censuses from 1841 to 1921 and how the households of the Bellhouse have changed and matured over the 80 years which encompass its development over the early years of the 20th century.
Tony Rogers
Following the formal meeting The Chairman made a presentation to Tony Rogers on his retirment from the Management Committee in recognition of many years dedication to the Village Hall. The Chairman thanked Tony for his valuable contribution over the years.

The meeting closed at 3:45pm,followed by refreshments and
time for a chat.