History of Ramsden 2017
At the end of February I organised my final History of Ramsden.
For almost 30 years I have enjoyed doing this event and must here give credit to Frank Fisher who, for most of these years, has shared the workload, and on many aspects knows more than I do.

I am pleased to report that my last one was a great success.
I came home with immense satisfaction, a beautiful bouquet, lots of hugs and kisses and the pleasing knowledge
that it will be carried on in digital form alongside the current format of books, photos and memorabilia,
by a team of dedicated enthusiasts.
Nostalgia engendered by this reminds me of incidents from past Exhibitions.
A very bored teenage couple, obviously dragged along by their parents, took refuge behind Frank’s display boards to do a little courting. They didn’t realise that their legs were visible– it added a new dimension to the day!
Many years ago, an elderly gentleman came very regularly both days.
After a quick look round he positioned himself to view the entrance, and watched for anyone he had known in his childhood.
Every year he came with a tear in his eye, and the day he actually found someone,
there was more than one tear. About two years ago he stopped coming.
In the very early days, the History of Ramsden was an annual reunion for a group whose childhood was happily spent in this,
then rural, village. They came from Bristol, Hastings, Chichester and Colchester
to view and to sit and enjoy reminiscing with childhood friends, while having the traditional tea and
homemade cakes.

Some helpers have been with me for many years. The late Joan Kelly, with her jolly greetings, is sadly missed from the door this year. Joan Wright, always there with her famous cream buns, and Ernie Skinner, who fetched and carried and has infinite knowledge of farming in the area.
So many more – my friends too numerous to mention, who have put up with my bossy ways for almost
30 years –
thank you sincerely, without you it would have gathered
dust in my cupboard.