where it offers therapy to children from all over the south-east of England,
with the majority coming from all areas of Essex.
Every child who attends with their parents receives therapy on a 2 therapists x 1 child basis and, following a two-day initial assessment, the therapists devise a structured exercise therapy programme to suit the individual needs of each child.
Isabelle learning to keep her balance Aiden learning to sit up and hold objects

We hope to have an update soon on how these two
children are progressing.
What makes Brainwave different is that after the initial assessment the therapists show the parents how to do this therapy at home, which empowers them to take an active role in their child’s development. The children return to Brainwave on a 4-6 month basis for a re-assessment and the results they see are amazing. Brainwave also supplies any therapy equipment that is needed.
It costs Brainwave £3,500 per year per child to keep on their exercise therapy programme and they do not receive any Government funding, so they have to look at ways of raising all their own funding. They do this by having groups or companies choose them as their ‘Charity of the Year’, holding their own fundraising events, supporting third-party fundraising events and receiving donations or grants.
Geraldine Gould – Community Manager for over 10 years said:
In the years I have been with Brainwave the demand for our therapy service has grown and we cannot thank Ramsden Bellhouse Village Hall members enough for choosing us as their Charity to support this year. I very much look forward to attending any events and helping at these in any way I can and also to meeting all the members.
Without such caring people as Ramsden Bellhouse Village Hall members, Brainwave would not be able to continue offering our therapy services to the lovely children and their parents we see.
If any members would like to visit our Centre I would be delighted to arrange this.
Gerry can be contacted on:
Telephone: 01268 561784. Mobile: 07725 956014. Email: gerrygould@brainwave.org.uk