Ramsden Bellhouse Village Hall AGM
Sunday, 30th January 2022 at 3pm
The first AGM since January 2020 was held in the New Hall, with 35 people attending.
The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming those present, apologies were received and the minutes for 2020 approved.
The following is a resumé of the items discussed.
Supported Charity
Clive Jeffree proposed the charity selected for for 2020, CHARMS, The Essex Therapy Centre, should continue as the hall charity this year because of the disruption to fund raising events in the last two years, due to Covid. This was agreed, with no objections. To read more about CHARMS click here.
Chairman's Report
Clive Jeffree is standing down as Chairman due to health problems, and he took the opportunity to reflect on his time on the Hall Committee.
He joined the Committee shortly after moving to the village in 1974, after being prompted by his wife to see what was happening at the Village Hall, at which time the AGM was taking place. He was a public member until 1977 when he became Chairman until 1980. He was a public member again until 2001 when he took over the Chairmanship from Brian Smith, making a total of 24 years in the role.
Treasurer's Report
Derek Swan said that we have weathered the Covid storm, helped by a generous grant from Basildon Council, given to village halls and hospitality venues as part of the government Covid support measures.
Bookings Secretary's Report
Audrey Pegrum reported that it had been a challenging two years, keeping up with changing Government guidelines and cancellations of bookings. The increase in cases of the Omicron variant have led to several cancellations. Most of the parties being booked are from Basildon, Wickford, Billericay, Ramsden Heath and Downham. Three parties have been booked by Ramsden Bellhouse residents in the last two years. All sections are now up and running. Line dancing and Tai Chi are no longer running. There is a new aerobics session on Monday evenings, 7.30–8.30pm in the Old Hall, except for the third Monday of the month when the Horticultural Society have their meetings. A youth club for disabled children is due to start later this year, on Thursdays 5.30–7.30pm. It has been delayed by the current increased risk of Covid. Audrey said that she enjoys being Bookings Secretary as she gets to meet new people when showing them round the hall. She also checks the hall after parties have taken place. Clive stated that Audrey has managed very well under difficult circumstances.
Election of Officers
Ann Wellborne announced that, after 10 years, she is standing down from the role of Social Secretary.
There were no forthcoming volunteers for the position of Secretary or for the position of Social Secretary.
Jamie Ward has volunteered to stand as Chairman. Clive would like to remain as a public committee member. Clive Jeffree proposed Brian Smith as a public member, seconded by Isabel Johnson. Rusi Hodivala proposed Valerie Jones as a public member, seconded by Tony Rogers. All the other committee members have agreed to continue for another year – Clive listed them all to confirm this.
There were no votes against this committee, and they were all elected unanimously.
History of Ramsden Exhibition 2022
Steve Tuff gave a brief preview of the plans for this year’s exhibition, which takes place over the weekend of 26th & 27th March.
A photographic display of houses in the village is planned for a ‘then and now’ feature. Richard Wellborne said that more recent photographs from the village would be welcomed as contributions, for example if your house was demolished and rebuilt, before and after photos would be useful to keep the archive up to date for future generations.
Village Magazine
Isabel Johnson announced her retirement as magazine editor, which she has done for 32 years.
Click here to see her full report.
Isabel asked if anyone would be prepared to take on the job of Village Magazine editor, but there were no volunteers forthcoming. Richard Wellborne said that there has been a discussion about putting the magazine on-line, but agreed it would still need an editor.

Richard then presented Isabel with a framed photograph and thanked her for producing the magazine and for all the work she has done for the Village Hall over the years.

Abby Short gave a cheque for £150 to the Treasurer, being a follow up from the sum of £1,000 already donated from the Fox and Hounds.

Clive Jeffree formally handed over to the new Chairman,
Jamie Ward.
The meeting closed at 3:35pm,followed by refreshments and time for a chat.
Click here to see a full list of the Management Committee.
Click here to see more photos of the 2022 AGM