Ramsden Bellhouse Village Hall AGM
Sunday, 29th January 2023
The AGM took place on Sunday 29th January with 36 people in attendance.
The Chairman,
Jamie Ward, opened the meeting by welcoming everyone.
The following is a resumé of the items discussed.
Chairman's Report
The Chairman gave his report, commenting on his first year in office.
Treasurer's Report
In the Treasurer’s absence the Chairman commented on the Report & Accounts, and announced that last year the Village Hall received a grant of £10,000, which benefitted the old hall, kitchen and committee room by re-wiring all the electrics to bring us in line with current standards.
Secretary's Report
The Secretary, Carol Wraight, gave her report, having recently taken over the role.
Bookings Secretary's Report
The Bookings Secretary, Audrey Pegrum, gave a report on the number of bookings for the hall in the past year. The hall had been used 1,087 times – 717 by sections and 78 privately. Audrey commented that very few of the bookings are from people who live in the village, mainly coming from the surrounding areas.
The Chairman thanked Audrey for managing the bookings so well.
Village Hall supported charities

The Chairman presented a cheque for £1,765 awarded to last year’s charity, CHARMS.
To read more about CHARMS Charity click CHARMS
This year there was only one nominated charity put forward,

Gail Carpenter gave an outline of the work carried out by the foodbank and thanked the Village Hall sections members for nominating them.
BILLERICAY FOODBANK was chosen as the sponsored village charity for the coming year.
To read more about BILLERICAY FOODBANK click here.
Election of Officers
Brian Smith, Chris Sullivan and Anne Banks are standing down as Committee Members.
The rest of the Committee agreed to continue for the coming year. The Chairman listed them all to confirm this. It was announced that Rob Mitchelson will join as a public member.
There were no votes against this committee, and they were all elected unanimously.
Click 2023 Committee to see a full list of the Management Committee.
History of Ramsden Exhibition 2023
Steve Tuff gave a brief preview of the plans for this year’s exhibition, which takes place over the weekend of 25th & 26th February.
A photographic display of houses in the village is planned for a ‘then and now’ feature. .

St Mary's Church
The Chairman introduced Jacqui Pearson, who is the new Priest in Charge for the Reservoir Group of Churches. This includes St Mary's Church in Ramsden Bellhouse.
Jacqui gave a brief presentation of her role as Priest in Charge and said she is very much looking forward to getting to know the people in the Parish. She can be contacted via this website or the Herald magazine.
The meeting closed at 3:40pm,followed by refreshments and time for a chat.