Click on a button to see a list of the photo slideshows of events in the selected year

Click on a link to see a photo slideshow of an event in 2014
The link may take you to our photo set on Flickr.
which will open in its own browser tab. If it does, click the Slideshow icon at the top right of the page to run the slideshow

Line Dancing Christmas Party 2014 
Village Hall Christmas Bazaar 2014
Bowls Club Christmas lunch 2014
Dedication and Remembrance Service 2014
Tanks by David Render 2014 
Horticultural Society Autumn Show 2014 
Horticultural Society Garden Party 2014 
Bowls Club Garden Party 2014 
Village Hall Fete & Fun Day 2014 
St. Mary's Church Strawberry Tea June 2014 
Village Hall St. George's Day Breakfast 2014
History of Ramsden 2014