Line Dancing Christmas Party
December 2017

Winter 2017 report
Our line dancing ladies celebrated 20 years of teaching the class at the Village Hall in August. A party was held during the lesson, with lots of food and drink and a lively time was had by all.
Come rain or shine, the girls arrive every Monday afternoon at 2.30pm (except Bank Holidays) with their play lists and cds and put us through our paces to a wide range of music.
We all look forward to meeting up each week, as quite a few of us have been attending the class for quite a few years.
We still have room for anyone who would like to join us, you will be most welcome. Just come down any Monday afternoon to join in or just sit and watch. So if you have an hour to spare, why not give it a try.
Spring 2015 report
At last word has got around about our popular line dancing class
– Monday 2pm (except Bank Holidays)
£2 for one hour.
Our numbers have swelled considerably, making a great atmosphere.
Our teachers, Jean and Lyn, have been teaching for over 15 years, so we are all very pleased that they are keen to keep the class going. We still have room for more, so please come down and give it a go.
Line Dancing Christmas Party
December 2014
Our line dancing party was great fun with everyone entering into the Christmas spirit.

As always, Lyn and Jean have us dancing to great music, be it an Irish Shanty or Rock n Roll.
We stopped half way through an extended lesson to partake in a festive drink and nibbles.To see the Line Dancing Christmas Party photo gallery pictures, click here.