Successful competitions again this year and we all enjoyed the day’s events.

It started with the singles competition which was won this year by Malcolm Winter, beating Emily Poulter in the final.

Kay & Peter Debenham, with Phylis & Derek Bird runners up.
Our Bowls club is still well supported, members regularly in attendance displaying their bowling skills,
always aiming for improvement.
Christmas Bazaar
Our cake stall at the Christmas Bazaar was again very popular, thanks to Isabel for organising the cake making and to all those members who contributed in
any way. The raffle for the hampers, so beautifully arranged by Rusi and Angela, was also popular.
Thanks to those members who manned the stalls
on the day.
Christmas Lunch
Our Christmas lunch was held in the Village Hall. After lunch we played fun bowls to try and work off the lovely lunch. Thanks to Barry and Jane for organising the lunch, Eileen the table quiz and Kay the fun bowls.
The lovely flower displays were done by Isabel.
At this event we presented our winning bowlers with their prizes.
Club winner in the singles was Malcolm Winter. The Doubles was won by Kay and Peter Debenham.

Friday Doubles, again taken over the year, was won by Peter Debenham and Roy Richards.
Our three league teams, Rooks, Ravens and Robins, have participated in matches with other clubs'
league teams. Positions at present, before going to press, are:-
Rooks Division 3 – 3rd
Ravens Division 6 – 3rd
Robins Division 7 – 6th.