Isabel's Charity Garden Party Horticultural Society Tea in the Garden
Annie & Rick's Charity barbeque Bellhouse Pre-school gardening
Baptist Church Anniversary 'lympic Fete and Fun Day Jubilee Tea Dance
Charity Square Dance St Mary's Amble Ramble Scouts Centenary Celebrations
St George's Day Breakfast Annual Easter Bonnet Dance
Isabel’s Drop-in Daffodil Day   History of Ramsden 2012
Village Hall A.G.M Report 2012
Christmas Bazaar
8th December 2012

Father Christmas arrived at mid-day to give out presents from his grotto. The hall was beautifuly decorated and everyone enjoyed mulled wine, mince pies and lots beside.

St Mary's Flower Festival
25th, 26th, 27th August 2012

Click here for photos.
Isabel's Charity Garden Party
Monday 6th August 2012

More than 130 people enjoyed a lovely afternoon at Isabel Johnson's annual garden party. The sun came out and, despite the dark clouds which kept appearing, the rain held off to enable everyone to enjoy the lovely garden. There was plenty going on with 'bumpy bowls' competitions and line dancing, in which everyone was encouraged to participate.
As a break from all this activity there was a cup of tea and a choice of delicious cakes to enjoy in the garden. A total sum of £741.13 was raised in aid of this year's Charity, the J's Hospice. Thank you to all those who helped erect marquees, arrange tables and chairs, make cakes, serve teas and lots more besides.

Click here for photos.
Horticultural Society Tea in the Garden
Sunday 15th July 2012

The 'Tea' was considered to be a success by the Horticulture Society as, instead of the 60 to 80 tickets anticipated, we ended up with 130 guests. The sun came out for one day only! It rained the day before and the day after. The raffle and the plant sales boosted the monies raised for the
J's Hospice which amounted to over £1,000. Everything on their stand was sold out by the end of the afternoon. In addition, we had a couple of anonymous donations raising a further £1,050.
It was hard work for the tea ladies, the ladies who baked the cakes and all the other helpers, but it was well worth while, thanks to everyone’s generosity.

To see the photo gallery pictures, click here.
Charity Barbeque
Saturday 14th July 2012
My name is Annie Banks and, on the 14th July 2012, my husband Ricky and I held our Ramsden Bellhouse BBQ at our home in Ramsden Bellhouse in aid of the J's Hospice. in Chelmsford.

The Hog Roast was amazing, but I must confess I did forget the apple sauce which was really naughty, but still much enjoyed. The singer was excellent and, despite the weather, people were dancing and she really got the atmosphere going.

Many thanks also to Ron and Ricky who carved the Hog and did a great job and also a big thank you to Brian Greenan who made a wonderful Auctioneer; also to Ramsden Bellhouse Village Hall for all the bunting, marquees etc.

MANY THANKS AGAIN TO EVERYONE, you were all great, couldn’t have done it without you.
We must thank all those who donated to the charity:
- The Singer and the Fireworks were donated by ACS Services Building Contractors
- The Hetty vacuum cleaner and radio were donated by Numatic International
- The soup maker was also donated by Numatic International
- Last, but not least, the beautiful Ponies time was donated by Katie Hamilton.
A total of 120 people turned up, which was amazing considering the weather, and every one had a good time.
Total money raised for this years charity, the J's Hospice, was £1,407.
Once again many thanks to everyone.
To see more photo gallery pictures, click here.
Bellhouse Preschool Gardening Morning
June 2012
The children at Bellhouse preschool (with help from three ladies of the Horticultural Society), had lots of fun making the hanging baskets for the hall - they look beautiful!
To enlarge an image, move the mouse over it.

Ramsden Bellhouse Baptist Church Anniversary and Barbeque
Sunday 24th June 2012
Some of our members got to church early to erect a gazebo, only to have it demolished by the wind. However the Service, which was led by our moderator Jon Stannard, went brilliantly. We had a full church which included members of the scouts and some of these took part in the service.

We had burgers and hot dogs from the barbeque and our ladies had lots of goodies to follow; strawberries and cream and a variety of cakes and other desserts.
Altogether a very successful day. God is good.
'lympic Fete, Fun Day & Flower Show
Raising funds for Good Causes
on Saturday 23rd June.

The day got off to a good start as singer, presenter, writer and ex-star of hit Show Towie, Linzi Peel, opened the proceedings.
This was followed by a parade from the Majorettes group and the day continued with lots of events, including a a Giant Inflatable Obstacle Course and a football shootout.
To see the Fun Day photo gallery pictures, click here.

As well as enjoying 'all the fun of the fete' the Horticultural Society held their
Summer Flower Show in the Village Hall, with lots of wonderful flower and vegetables to look at.
To see the Flower Show photo gallery pictures, click here.

Diamond Jubilee Tea Dance - 3rd June 2012
The hall was decked out with flags and bunting thanks to the efforts of Joan, our lady in charge. Members attended dressed as befitting such an occasion.

The evening finished with a chorus of Land of Hope and Glory and the National Anthem.
As we say life begins on a Sunday evening – come and see for yourself.
Click here for full report.Charity Square Dance - Saturday 19th May 2012
The Dance section held its Charity Square Dance in aid of the J's Hospice on 19th May 2012.

The proceedings were under the control of Peter Skiffens, our professional caller who hails from Hertfordshire. If needed for your event he can be contacted via
As you can see from the smiles and looks of concentration it was an evening of trying to remember left, right, forward, backward, sideways, partners, corners and such like. We did, however, successfully raise £330 for the charity and thanks to all those for coming out for a good time and to give to others.
Click here for full report.
St. Mary's Amble Ramble - Saturday 5th May 2012

We met at the Baptist Church at 10am; well most of us anyway, two were late and met us half way round.
Once off the road we trampled through our first field of long grass then climbed the first three of our 13 stiles to reach a gentle uphill walk across another field.

Pace and talking slowed for a while but all found enough energy to complete the short, approximately 3 mile walk, chosen by Kay to show some of the lovely scenery around Ramsden.

Following the very wet April and start of May there were plenty of puddles and muddy areas for Isabel, our oldest walker, to enjoy splashing through.

After the walk we all enjoyed lunch – soup, rolls cheese & biscuits etc at the Baptist Church Hall, kindly prepared and served by Hilda & Joan.
First Ramsden and Downham Scouts Centenary Celebrations
We have written evidence that Scouts were in existence in this area in 1912 as 1st Ramsden & Downham Group.

Our present meeting place is at the Ramsden Bellhouse Village Hall but, in the past, the venue has been in several places, most of which are now non-existent.
The celebrations consisted of a short Anniversary Service at the Village Hall at noon, followed by a light lunch.
In the afternoon there was an exhibition of scouting memorabilia and photographs, a series of bases to keep the youngsters occupied and cream tea and refreshments if so required.
The Service was conducted by Geoffrey Griggs, the retired Baptist Minister and Reverend Stephen Robertson from the Parish Church. Also present was the Deputy Lord Mayor of Basildon, the Regional Scout Commissioner, the Assistant County Scout Commissioner and the District Scout Commissioner, together with 160 parents and families, with past and present cubs and scouts. After the service there were short talks by the Deputy Lord Mayor and the Regional Scout Commissioner. This completed the formalities and we all retired for our soup.

I must thank all those who attended and also those who helped in this very successful event together with all those who, over the years, have kept scouts going in this area.
To see the photos of the event go to
St George’s Day Breakfast - 22nd April 2012
Over the years this event has proved very successful.
Each year we budget for an increase in custom and each year we always end up getting more supplies from our local shop (Hemmings Two)
and this year was no exception.
On the final count we catered for over 200 breakfasts.
While the event is in progress it is hard work as the Committee and helpers struggle to keep pace with the flow of customers
and I must apologise for any time spent in a queue at the door.

Lastly, all the money raised will go towards the running costs of the hall in order to keep the cost of hiring to a minimum.
Our next event is the Fete/Funday on 23rd June 2012, so try to come along and support your local Village Hall.
Annual Easter Bonnet Dance
The Ramsden Bellhouse Village Hall Dance Section held their Annual Easter Bonnet Dance on the 8th April 2012 well attended by members who had various funny ways of expressing the theme.

Isabel’s Drop-in Daffodil Day - March 13th 2012
In spite of being held on the 13th, Daffodil Day proved to be one of the most successful.

We were delighted to have visitors from Anvil House (even if we did have to bribe David with a cream bun to go home). There was a very relaxed and happy atmosphere and in all £419.50 was handed over to the Friends of St Mary’s.

This is not an outside event so, next year, don’t worry if it’s raining – no-one will force you to walk round a muddy garden.
History of Ramsden 2012

This Exhibition consists of a large collection of pictures, maps and documents of Ramsden and the surrounding areas.

So, it was the same old thing again, except for the star of Saturday’s show – a “Jovett Long 4” motor car, registered in 1926 to Mr Garvey of Glebe Road, Ramsden Bellhouse. It has been lovingly restored by Antony Gouldsmith, who wished to learn all he could of its previous owners. Many people (especially the males) enjoyed seeing it in the Village Hall car park and the owner left with photos and information on the Garvey family.

The Visitors’ book is full of very complimentary comments, even though “someone” only came for the coffee and cake. I have been organising this for more than twenty years, with the help of many willing helpers, especially Frank. To them I say – thank you very much, together we raised £348 for our Village Hall but, more importantly, we gave a lot of people the pleasure of seeing the past of this area of Essex.
To see the photo gallery pictures, click here.
Village A.G.M. Report
This year's A.G.M. on Sunday 29th January 2012 opened at 3.00pm with apologies for absence and the presentation of last years minutes.
The Chairman then presented his report for last year, outlining the social activities and a résumé of the maintenance work carried out.
He ended with a thanks to the committee for their support and the effort that they and others put in to the success of the hall over the last year.
The Treasurer’s report was next to be presented, showing the present financial position.
After questions, the Secretary and the Bookings Secretary said a few words each.
The reporting stage of the AGM now over, the meeting turned its attention to the selection of next year’s charity.
There were three speakers, each supporting one of the following charities:
The selection, by a show of hands, was with THE J’S HOSPICE being successful as the next year’s charity.
This charity aims to offer all young adults aged 18 to 40 with a life limiting illness, the choice to receive the care and support that they need
in the comfort of their own homes, so come on let us see what we can do for them.

The final section on the agenda was the voting in of the committee to serve for the coming year. The list below were proposed, seconded and voted in by the meeting.
Finally, questions from the floor were put forward to the committee for clarification. The meeting then ended with refreshments and time for a chat.
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