The Dance Club has enjoyed another year; we have increased our membership and we hope to
attract more new members.

In May we held our Charity Square Dance which sold out. As usual, our caller made the evening with his cryptic comments and humour and we managed to raise a significant amount for the Charity.
We slightly broke with tradition this year and, instead of dressing up in 'DJs' and gowns for our Summer Ball, we all headed to Mamma Romantica in Rayleigh for a Club Dinner which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
We continue to celebrate our members' significant birthdays and anniversaries with a buffet dance. Congratulations to Eric and Brenda who celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary and to Betty, who celebrated a 'magic number' birthday.
We meet every Sunday from 7.30pm to 10.30pm for Ballroom and Latin dancing, so if you are taking Ballroom Dance lessons why not come along and join us to practice your steps.

Celebrating Halloween
2nd November 2014
2nd November 2014
We took the opportunity to dress up and make-up appropriately, and decorated the hall with spooky lights and sounds, including two fantastic, carved pumpkins.
As usual, we brought a plate of food for the buffet and our own drinks, and in between we managed a bit of dancing!
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