Quiz Night Women's World Day of Prayer
30th September 2017
The ladies of St.Mary's Church, Ramsden Bellhouse took part in the
'Biggest Coffee Morning in the World' in aid of
Macmillan Cancer Support.

We were optimistic enough to put tables and chairs in the Church grounds and were rewarded with
a bright sunny morning, enabling visitors to sit outside in the gardens and enjoy
a cup of tea or coffee together with a selection of delicious home made cakes.

A very popular addition to our drinks menu is our specialist Aristo coffees, offering latte, caramel latte,capuccinno and many more.
Thank you to all those ladies who made cakes and provided the teas and coffees,
as well as those who supported this worthwhile cause, enabling us
to raise £230 for the Charity.

This is Macmillan's biggest fundraising event, where people across the UK are asked to hold a coffee morning and raise money for people living with cancer. St. Mary's Church were pleased to be a part of it.
26th to 28th August 2017
Over the bank holiday weekend St Mary's Church held its annual Flower Festival and this year we were blessed with good weather on all three days.

The theme of this year's flower display in the Church was Festival of Life, each arrangement highlighting our journey through life. the Church was alive with beautiful colours and arrangements. Our thanks go to the talented and creative people who made them.
The Church was open on Saturday afternoon to view the flowers and then a nice sit in the sunshine with a cup of tea and home made cakes.

Big Band Concert
Once again we enjoyed the Sid Bolan Big Band –
held in the Church grounds on a beautiful sunny evening which over 90 people enjoyed,
bringing their own picnics. Many compliments were made on the entertainment provided by the Band,
especially the Vocalist. The evening raised a magnificent £900.
To see the Big Band photo gallery pictures, click here.

On Sunday, the weather was once again hot and sunny, and it was a struggle to stop the wonderful array of cakes melting in the heat, although they didn't last too long, especially Joan Wright's fabulous cream buns
Our 'Songs of Praise' service was held in the grounds with inspiring hymns and readings.Monday once again was hot and sunny with a good flow of visitors to the Church.

Overall, around £3,500 was raised towards Church funds.
Grateful thanks to the many people who assisted in running the event, including erecting tents, manning the stalls and providing and serving refreshments and, of course, to our visitors who came along and made it all worthwhile.To see the Flower Show gallery pictures, click here.
Click here to see more about St. Mary's Church.
17th June 2017
The Strawberry Cream Tea held at the Village Hall on Saturday 17th June was again a success, raising £610 for St. Mary's Church funds.

More than 60 people enjoyed home made scones, jam, cream and strawberries, together with tea and coffee.

Many thanks to Audrey Pegrum for organising the event and to all her helpers who served the teas; washed up, sold raffle tickets, cakes and jams, and cleared the hall after the event.
20th May 2017
We were pleased to welcome back our friends from the Church Choir of The Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in Billericay. The church was packed and everyone enjoyed the evening.
Their repertoire was varied, ranging from choral music to songs from musical shows and finishing with a tribute to the Beatles’ album ‘Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, which celebrates 50 years since its release in 1967.

During the interval refreshments were served in a marquee on the lawn with everyone enjoying tea and coffee with a vast selection of home made cakes.
Thank you to Audrey Pegrum for organising this event as well as her team of helpers,
all making the
evening a great success. The event raised £865 for church funds.

17th March 2017
Our Quiz Night on 17th March was an outstanding success, attracting 13 teams.

A very successful evening was enjoyed by more than 60 people and over £660 raised in aid of St. Mary's Church. Thanks to our quiz masters, Angela and Steve Tuff, as well as Audrey Pegrum for organising this popular event.

Friday 3rd March 2017
'Am I Being Unfair to You?'
Our service was held at the Baptist Church, Ramsden Bellhouse at 11.30am. Men, women and young people of all denominations all are welcome

This year the Women’s World Day of Prayer was written by the women of The Philipines and entitled ‘Am I being unfair to you’ which had us reflecting on the unfairness of many situations around the world and asking ourselves what are we doing to help?

During the service envelopes containing rice were given to everyone as an symbol of 'dagyaw' when the community get together to help the rice farmers planting and harvesting.
A time of fellowship was enjoyed by those who came to the WWDP service, and to be part of an event taking place all around the world is awesome.

Following the service everyone enjoyed a delicious lunch.
A very big thank you for all who contributed to the event in any way.
If you want to know more about WWDP
call Beryl Clements on 01245 601298.
For further information and resources please see the WWDP website: www.wwdp.org.uk
Registered Charity no.1025468