Billericay Food Bank Coffee Morning Strawberry Cream Tea Quiz Night
Revd Jacqui Pearson service
Sid Bolan Big Band Concert
Saturday 5th August 2023

The weather on Saturday was dreadful so we had to transfer the concert from the churchyard to the Village Hall at short notice. We tried to people know about the change of venue, but many were probably put off by the heavy rain so we had fewer in the audience than normal.

Those who did come had an enjoyable evening with a ploughman's supper in the interval.
We thank the members of the
Sid Bolan
Big Band for coming to play for us.
After paying the band, we were left with
£555 towards church funds.
Thank you for all your support and help, which made a lovely evening.
We look forward to welcoming the Sid Bolan Big Band again next year when we hope the weather will be kinder to us.
Billericay Food Bank Coffee Morning
22nd July 2023
A Coffee morning in aid of the Village Hall nominated charity
Billericay Food Bank was held at
St Mary's Church on Saturday 22nd July.
The weather started out bright and sunny enabling people to sit outside. Unfortunately, the wind and rain arrived later in the morning causing us to move inside.
A representative from Billericay Food Bank came along and spoke about the vital service they provide for those in need of food and support.
A total of £270 was raised towards helping this worthwhile charity.
Strawberry Cream Tea
24th June 2023
The Strawberry Cream Tea held at the Village Hall on Saturday 24th June was a very enjoyable afternoon, raising an amazing £861.79 for St. Mary's Church funds.

Everyone enjoyed home made scones, jam, cream and
strawberries, together with tea and coffee,
and there was a lovely atmosphere during the whole afternoon.
Many thanks to Audrey Pegrum for organising the event and to all her helpers who served the teas; washed up, sold raffle tickets, cakes and jams, and cleared the hall after the event.
Quiz Night
Saturday 25th March 2023
Our Quiz Night on 25th March was a great success, attracting 11 teams.
A very successful evening was enjoyed by over 45 people which raised £654 in aid of St. Mary's Church. This was £110 more than last year. Thanks to all those who participated and gave generously for the raffle.
Thanks to our quiz masters, Angela and Steve Tuff, for compiling such a varied and interesting quiz, and also to Audrey Pegrum for organising this popular event.
Thanks also to all those who donated raffle prizes giving us a full table of varied prizes.
Welcome to the Revd Jacqui Pearson
Monday 9th January 2023

On Monday 9th January 2023 All Saints' Church, Stock was packed for the formal service to licence
Revd Jacqui as our new Priest in Charge.
It was good to see so many people from our three churches there to welcome her.
With five churches to look after we won't be seeing the Revd Jacqui every week, but her first service was at St. Mary's Church on Sunday 15th January.
The next event is the Coffee Morning in aid of

on Friday 29th September 2023