20th to 22nd July 2019

This year's flower festival was blessed with good weather, even though the few days before it brought wind and rain, destroying some of the marquees which had just been erected. Fortunately our Village Hall Committe came to the rescue by loaning us their marquees.
The change of weekend was always going to be a concern, wondering whether people have realised. Our numbers were down on last year, especially for the Big Band Concert, but those who did come enjoyed walking around the church looking at the wonderful display of flowers followed by a stop for either a ploughman's lunch or delicious home made cakes.

This year the theme was Holidays and the flower arrangers had some excellent ideas, starting with the stunning arrangement over the porch, depicting Norway and the alter displaying Egypt and Israel, complete with the parting of the sea.
The Sid Bolan Big Band Concert, held on Saturday evening in the Church grounds, was wonderful and, fortunately, we were blessed with fine weather for the evening. Many people came, some bringing their own picnics, or enjoying a ploughman's platter, together with cakes, teas and coffees.
The band played many of the firm favourites, and this year were joined by a male vocalist singing some of the Dean Martin classics.
The concert raised the great sum of £705 towards Church funds.

Click here to see more about St. Mary's Church.
15th June 2019
The Strawberry Cream Tea held at the Village Hall on Saturday 15th June was again a success, raising £880 for St. Mary's Church funds, our best year yet.

Many people came and enjoyed home made scones, jam, cream and strawberries, together with tea and coffee and there was a lovely atmosphere during the whole afternoon.

Many thanks to Audrey Pegrum for organising the event and to all her helpers who served the teas; washed up, sold raffle tickets, cakes and jams, and cleared the hall after the event.