Beetle Drive — 2nd November 2013

On Saturday 2nd November the Horticultural Society ran a charity Beetle Drive in aid of this year's sponsored charity, Parkinsons UK.
40 people attended, had a lot of hilarity and great tea and cakes half way through.
You wouldn't think it could be so much fun!!
Food Fayre — 19th October 2013
The evening was attended by over 70 people. The food ranged from delicious soups to pies to many other autumnal dishes. There were some fantastic sweet dishes and even wines made from local produce. Everyone who came said how enjoyable the evening was, all the more so as it was totally without charge.
Praise must go to the eight local horticulture groups who put on the evening, all coordinated by Tony Rogers,Chairman of the InterSociety Horticultural Group.

Annual Autumn Flower & Produce Show Show — 7th September 2013
Our Autumn Flower & Produce Show was held on Saturday 7th September at the Village Hall.

We had a total of 125 entries with some new members entering and one of them ending up with a Silver Medal for the Best in Show.
Next time it could be you!
To see the Show's photo gallery pictures, click here.