Annual General Meeting
Monday 18th November 2019

On Monday 18th November 2019 we had our AGM, where we reflected upon a fantastic
year for
the Society.
Amongst the highlights were a coach trip to RHS Wisley, raising £500 for Hearing Help Essex, and increased numbers of entries and exhibitors at our Shows.

At the end of the AGM the Certificate of Merit and trophies were presented for 2019. 12 of the 15 trophies went to someone different to last year, which is a fantastic advert for the competitiveness of our Society. We now look forward to organising our events for 2020.
Show Secretary
Autumn Show
Saturday 14th September 2019
Our Autumn Show, the biggest event of the year, took place on 14th September.
In total we had 242 entries from 31 exhibitors and it was fantastic to welcome a number of first time
exhibitors at our shows.
The 'Best in Show' was won by a great bunch of black Hamburg grapes grown by Mike Jollands.
The 'Best in Homecraft' was won by Tracy Kinton for her orange marmalade tea loaf.
Fred Taylor’s 3 chrysanthemums won 'Best Flower Exhibit' and Thomas Carpenter won
'Best Dahlia Exhibit'.

We are thrilled to announce that Wayne Carpenter was the winner with an impressive harvest of 2.97kg of potatoes from a single seed potato and one potato alone weighing in at 781 grams!

Keep your eyes 'peeled' for next year’s competition. Details to be released soon.
Thank you to everyone who supported the show by exhibiting or visiting in the afternoon. Your support is truly appreciated.
To see the full photo gallery click
The link should take you to our photo set on Flickr.
which will open in its own browser tab.
Click the
icon at the top right of the page to run the slideshow
Magic of the Music Hall
Sunday 7th July 2019
We are thrilled to announce that our recent charity fundraiser “The Magic of the Music Hall”, presented by Irene Bouquet, raised £490 for HEARING HELP ESSEX .

Tea and cake were provided to all our visitors as we learned more about, and good to sing about, some of the most famous songs from the musical hall era.
HEARING HELP ESSEX are an Essex based hearing loss charity that try to alleviate the loneliness and isolation that hearing loss can bring through a wide range of services.

This amount will go towards the the Village Hall's Charity of the Year total which will presented at the AGM in January 2020. Thank you all those who supported the event.
Horticultural Society Summer Show
Saturday 8th June 2019

The first major show of the year was held on 8th June at Ramsden Bellhouse Village Hall. There was something for everyone from roses, sweet peas, hostas and peonies to cakes, floral art and photography. The scent of the roses filled the entire hall!

Some stunning rose blooms were on display with Mike Jollands winning 6 out of 7 classes and took home the Certificate of Merit for best rose exhibit for his vase of 3 specimen blooms. We also had 3 entries in the novice class which is fantastic to see. Well done to all those who entered.

To see the full photo gallery click Horticultural Society Summer Show 2019here
February meeting
Monday 15th February 2019
This evening we had a talk on daffodils by David Gillam who has, years ago, entered our shows in this very hall. He is now a national daffodil and dahlia grower. He shared some of his tips for growing and showing daffodils. Our March meeting will include our Daffodil Mini Show and it is hoped this talk will encourage lots of members to bring their blooms along.

Potato Competition
We also launched our seed potato competition for the Autumn Show in September. All you need to do is get one of our seed potatoes and a bag and get growing.

The variety of potato is vales sovereign after some fantastic results in 2018. These should be planted out in April with some compost and watch them grow.
Get in contact today if you would like one. For members the cost is 50p. For non members it is £1.
Our Show Schedule for 2019 has now been printed and i available to collect once membership for
2019 has been paid.

The Schedule details the monthly meetings, social events and show dates for 2019. It also sets out the wide variety of classes for our Summer and Autumn Shows. These Schedules will also be hand delivered to every house in Ramsden Bellhouse, with our committee out delivering in the next few weeks.

A huge thank you to Summerhill Garden Centre who sponsor our Schedule and feature on the back page. Get yours today!