Autumn Show
Saturday 10th September 2016
Saturday 10th September 2016
September 10th was a lovely sunny day which always helps to set the tone for a horticultural
get together. Because of the time of the year, the vegetable section of the show was brimming with entries.

A new addition to the exhibits this year was potatoes grown in a bag. Earlier in the year some potato seeds,
soil and a bag were given to members to grow at home and bring back at the Autumn Show. The potatoes were then weighed
and the heaviest was the winner. The winning entry weighed over 2kg. It was very interesting
to see just how
much difference there was in each entry's weight and size.

The floral art section had some lovely displays and the homecraft (cookery) classes with the cakes and jams, discovered some new talents from our male and female members.
The 'Best in Show' prize was won by Joan Lewis for her beautiful arrangement in the 'petite basket' category. Well done Joan.
To see the full photo gallery click here.
Summer Show
Saturday 11th June 2016
The Summer Show held on 11th June was very successful with lovely roses and garden flowers on show.

There were over 130 entries from members and visitor numbers were considerably up on recent Shows.
Well done to all who participated in this annual event.
Click here to see the photo gallery.
Charity Beetle Drive
Saturday 30th April 2016
The Beetle Drive ran by the Horticultural Society for the charity, ‘Brainwave’, was a great success.

68 people bought tickets to the event which was held in the New Hall. Geraldine from ‘Brainwave’, started the evening by giving a brief resume of the charity’s functions. Her enthusiasm was infectious and showed in the number of raffle tickets bought for a very generous raffle.
As usual with Beetle Drives, there was much laughter, occasional scouring the floor for an escaped dice and the usual ‘aaagh" as “Beetle” was shouted. One false alarm caused a lot of confusion as play had to continue after “Beetle” had been called.
An interval gave everyone a chance to have a cup of tea or coffee and a plate of food from the
excellent buffet provided.
Suitably recharged, the second half produced a winner who received a
£10 Garden Voucher.
A lovely evening, incredible value, lots of fun with a complete mix of ages and a final total of
£475 raised for ‘Brainwave’.
If you have never been to a Beetle Drive do think about coming along next time we have one of
our forthcoming events. You won’t be disappointed.
April meeting
Tulip Mini Show

The April monthly meeting of the Society included a Mini Show for the display of tulips. Click here to view the photos.

A fuller report will follow shortly.
March meeting
Daffodil Mini Show
The March monthly meeting of the Society included a Mini Show for the display of daffodils, for which there were 77 entries from 18 members. the Daffodil Cup was won by Mike Jollands.
The hall was alive with yellow, making us feel that Spring really is on its way.

Registered Charity no.1025468